(+ 54 11) 4378-1750

Our commitment


We are the Wet Milling Company chosen by main players in the market thanks to:


To constantly offer the best quality / price / product ratio in the regional market, making sure of our operations constant improvement, and drive our quality and productivity to the most demanding international industry standards.

Quality and safety policy

Manufacture and deliver to customers high standard quality products that meet legal / regulatory requirements, and ensure the quality of food products.
To keep long term commercial relationships with customers, being fully aware of their needs and fulfilling every expectation, delivering top quality products and services.

Strive for a continuous improvement in integral quality system management.
Base business growth and development upon our staff, promoting permanent training activities.
Keep our business and market leadership by ensuring quality in every action.

Relations with community

GLUCOVIL, through its Social Responsibility Area, keeps contact with 40 institutions close to its geographic location. These sites are devoted to the care of disabled and elderly people, NGOs closely monitoring children, young people, single mothers, Scouts, charity programs (Cáritas), educational sites and rural schools. These activities are monitored by a plan. Within the frame of this plan we provide sugar manufactured by Ledesma and starch manufactured by Glucovil 

By means of our Educational Visit Program we share our knowledge with pupils in primary and secondary schools and college students, close to our location and also in other provinces such as Mendoza, Santa Fe, Buenos Aires and Córdoba. We guide institutions through Congress and Seminar organizations related to manufacturing topics.

We take part in Local Development Programs for SME, through the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences in San Luis University.

We help to run training, development and education programs for technical and professional students together with the Chamber of Manufacturing Industries in Villa Mercedes.
